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Neoferdina cumingi    (Gray 1840)  
Cuming's Sea Star

Elizabeth Buckby (2013)


Fact Sheet



Physical Description


Life History & Behaviour

Feeding & Digestion

Reproduction & Development

Gas Exchange

Anatomy & Physiology

Sensory System

Water Vascular System and Locomotion

External Anatomy

Evolution & Systematics

Biogeographic Distribution

Conservation & Threats

References & Links

Physical Description

The single Neoferdina cumingi collected at Heron Island was approximately 9cm in length spanning horizontally from the tip of one leg to the tip of the other. Each leg was approximately 3.5cm in length. The individuals collected possessed spots running laterally around the edge of the starfish, ranging in colour from dark purple spots closer to the centre and deeper red spots at the end of the legs. It appeared as though spots at the outward end of each leg still in the process of developing, which may explain their redder colouration. Upon examination of known specimens of this species, it became evident that a number of different colour morphs exist in the species, and their spots appear to be diagnostic of the species. When examining the individual it was also noted that the tips of each of its five legs were turned upward at the base. Upon closer examination, tube feet like structures were present at the tips of each arm.

The individual collected may be a juvenile as the spots present on its dorsal surface are only just beginning to appear and the spots of adults appear to run in a line radiating from the central disk to each leg. 

The aboral surface of the N.cumingi specimen 

